study and research in psychology and neuroscience generate huge amounts of varied data. matlab enables educators to collect, import, analyze, and visualize such data; and draw further inferences through models and simulations.
due to its ease of use and extensive capabilities, psychology and neuroscience departments often incorporate matlab into their curricula and lab work. educators and researchers have created many resources and developed best practices for teaching computation that are available to colleagues to adopt and modify for use in future courses.
online training
- (udemy)
- (udemy)
example curricula
- (new york university)
- (university college london)
- (university of edinburgh)
teaching toolboxes
- - a graphical hodgkin-huxley simulator
- - a matlab toolbox for modeling and simulating dynamical systems
teaching kits
psychology and psychophysics
example curricula
- (york university)
additional matlab resources
- - free, interactive, self-paced online learning resource
- matlab grader - automatically grade matlab code
- file exchange - free community toolboxes, apps, functions, and examples