optical flow -凯发k8网页登录

optical flow for motion estimation in video

optical flow is the distribution of the apparent velocities of objects in an image. by estimating optical flow between video frames, you can measure the velocities of objects in the video. in general, moving objects that are closer to the camera will display more apparent motion than distant objects that are moving at the same speed.

optical flow estimation is used in computer vision to characterize and quantify the motion of objects in a video stream, often for motion-based object detection and tracking systems.

moving object detection in a series of frames using optical flow. see for details.


for more information, see computer vision toolbox, which supports common techniques such as the and . for additional techniques, see downloads in the matlab user community.

optical flow estimation to obtain motion vectors (left) and pixel velocity magnitudes (right).

examples and how to

software reference

see also: object detection, , , image processing and computer vision, image recognition, object recognition, digital image processing, , feature extraction, ransac, point cloud
