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aerospace and defense-凯发k8网页登录

design, simulate, test, and deploy safety and mission critical systems

matlab® and simulink® enable engineering organizations in aerospace and defense to develop, analyze, and certify complex aerospace systems. use mathworks® aerospace products to:

  • model and simulate flight vehicles and spacecraft.

  • incorporate environment models.

  • design guidance navigation and control systems.

  • perform stability analysis, flight analysis, and mission analysis.

  • verify that software projects comply with industry standards.


modeling and simulation of flight vehicles and spacecraft

environment models

guidance, navigation and control, and stability analysis

  • flight control analysis tools (aerospace toolbox)
    analyze the motion and dynamics of aerospace vehicles with short-period requirements, boundary line, and altitude contour plots.
  • (aerospace toolbox)
    convert a fixed-wing aircraft to a linear time invariant (lti) state-space model for linear analysis.
  • (aerospace blockset)
    analyze dynamic response and flying qualities of aerospace vehicles using flight control analysis tools.
  • transition from low- to high-fidelity uav models in three stages (uav toolbox)
    evolve your uav plant model continuously to stay in sync with the latest information available.

flight analysis and mission analysis

  • estimate g forces for flight data (aerospace toolbox)
    load flight data and estimate g forces during the flight.
  • mission analysis with the orbit propagator block (aerospace blockset)
    compute and visualize line-of-sight access intervals between satellites and a ground station.
  • (uav toolbox)
    import flight log data, create figures and plots, export signals, and use custom signal mapping in the flight log analyzer app.
  • uav package delivery (uav toolbox)
    implement a small multicopter simulation to takeoff, fly, and land in a city environment.
  • (uav toolbox)
    simulate safe landing operation of a uav in an unexplored environment.

flight visualization

  • visualization tools (aerospace toolbox)
    view vehicle dynamics in 3-d flight paths and trajectories, create apps with flight instruments, and transform coordinate axes.
  • visualization tools (aerospace blockset)
    view flight paths with matlab graphics-based 3dof and 6dof animation blocks, scenarios using unreal engine®, or flight simulator animation; input data to models; display measurements through standard cockpit instruments.

system certification

  • (do qualification kit)
    process workflow for qualifying the verification tool.

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