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物理建模 -凯发k8网页登录


您可以使用 simscape™ 产品对物理系统进行建模、优化和测试。通过将机械、液压、电气、气动和热能领域的组件连接到一个网络中来对物理系统进行建模。您还可以使用 simscape 语言来创建自定义组件。使用 simscape 产品,不同领域的专家可以在单一仿真环境中协同工作,以优化系统级性能和测试控制算法。您还可以通过使用 matlab® 和 simulink® 来执行深度学习和预测性维护等方法。为了便于您将模型部署到其他环境,包括硬件在环 (hil) 系统,simscape 产品支持代码生成。

the simscape product group depicted with simscape as the foundation product, supporting simscape electrical, simscape battery, simscape fluids, simscape multibody, and simscape driveline. examples of physical modeling environments include electrical, mechanical, magnetic, thermal, custom, isothermal liquid, two-phase fluid, gas, and moist air.



  • analyze a simple circuit (simscape electrical)
    use the powergui block to analyze static and frequency-domain response.
  • build and simulate a simple circuit (simscape electrical)
    build a simscape electrical™ model and parameterize the blocks using datasheet values, run the model, and examine the results.
  • (simscape electrical)
    model mechatronic systems, analog circuit architectures, and single- and multi-phase electrical power systems that you can connect to networks in other simscape domains.
  • build simple model of battery pack in matlab and simscape (simscape battery)
    create and build a simscape system model of a battery pack with simscape battery™.



  • pick and place robot using forward and inverse kinematics (simscape multibody)
    model a delta robot performing a pick and place task.
  • train humanoid walker (simscape multibody)
    model a humanoid robot using simscape multibody™ and train it using either a genetic algorithm (which requires a global optimization toolbox license) or reinforcement learning (which requires deep learning toolbox™ and reinforcement learning toolbox™ licenses).




